Websites using Service Management Group
Description of Service Management Group: Service Management Group offers customer experience measurement, employee engagement, social monitoring, publishing, and brand research services.
Service Management Group is used by 0.13% of websites in the Surveys category.
Automotive is the most popular main category among the websites using Service Management Group.
Auto Repair is the most popular subcategory among the websites that are using Service Management Group.
The technologies that are most often used together with Service Management Group are jQuery, Google Analytics, Cloudflare, jQuery UI, IIS, ipify, Microsoft ASP.NET, Handlebars, ZURB Foundation, Facebook.
Our AI based recommender engine (trained on 100 million data points) suggests that websites using Service Management Group may also be interested in using these other technologies: Amazon Advertising, AccessiBe, SyntaxHighlighter, Leaflet, Twenty Twelve, Livefyre, Stripe, Glyphicons, Ember.js, XRegExp.
Top IAB Industry Verticals using Service Management Group
Top 10 technologies that are most often used together with Service Management Group
Technologies that are most interesting for website using Service Management Group, as determined by our AI recommender
Distribution of domains using Service Management Group over IAB1 verticals
Introduction to Service Management Group
Service Management Group is a technology solution that provides companies with customer experience management tools for gathering and analyzing customer feedback. It offers a range of services, including survey design, data analysis, and reporting, as well as real-time feedback collection via various channels such as email, SMS, and web surveys. The platform allows businesses to monitor customer satisfaction levels, identify trends, and take necessary actions to improve overall customer experience.
Practical Applications
of Service Management Group
1. Gathering customer feedback and analyzing it to improve overall customer experience.
2. Identifying areas of improvement in service delivery by tracking customer satisfaction scores.
3. Benchmarking against industry standards and data to stay competitive.
4. Conducting employee training and development based on customer feedback.
5. Measuring and managing customer loyalty and retention.
6. Tracking customer complaints and resolving issues quickly.
7. Identifying trends and patterns in customer feedback to make data-driven decisions.
8. Improving brand reputation by consistently delivering high-quality service.
Benefits and Advantages of Service Management Group
- Enables businesses to gather and analyze customer feedback in real-time
- Helps businesses improve customer experience and satisfaction
- Provides insights into customer preferences and behavior
- Allows businesses to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions
- Enhances customer loyalty and retention
- Streamlines communication between businesses and customers
- Increases efficiency in addressing customer concerns and resolving issues
- Facilitates benchmarking against industry standards and competitors
- Enables businesses to track performance and monitor progress over time
Distribution of domains using Service Management Group over IAB2 verticals
Most popular websites using Service Management Group
Less popular websites using Service Management Group
Distribution of domains using Service Management Group over 1 million most popular domains
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Distribution of domains using Service Management Group over domain ages
The average age of websites using Service Management Group is 7.6 years.
The average page rank (measure of backlink strength) of websites using Service Management Group is 2.33.
5 technologies that are less often used together with Service Management Group
Technology | % of use together with Service Management Group | Website |
Marko | 50 | |
IIS | 50 | |
ipify | 50 | |
Microsoft ASP.NET | 50 | |
Handlebars | 50 | |