HeadJS - Web Usage Statistics and Market Share

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Websites using HeadJS

Description of HeadJS:

HeadJS is used by 0.04% of websites in the JavaScript libraries category.

Education is the most popular main category among the websites using HeadJS.

Adult Education is the most popular subcategory among the websites that are using HeadJS.

The technologies that are most often used together with HeadJS are jQuery, Google Analytics, Google Font API, jQuery UI, jQuery Migrate, Google Tag Manager, Bootstrap, Google Workspace, Amazon Web Services, PHP.

Our AI based recommender engine (trained on 100 million data points) suggests that websites using HeadJS may also be interested in using these other technologies: jQuery Mobile, SWFObject, AOS, Pendo, AWS Certificate Manager, Unpkg, Backbone.js, Prefix-Free, Smash Balloon Instagram Feed, Jetpack.

Top IAB Industry Verticals using HeadJS

Top 10 technologies that are most often used together with HeadJS

Technology% of use together with HeadJSWebsite
Google Analytics79.11http://google.com/analytics
Google Font API70.43http://google.com/fonts
jQuery UI54.26http://jqueryui.com
jQuery Migrate51.69https://github.com/jquery/jquery-migrate
Google Tag Manager47.02http://www.google.com/tagmanager
Google Workspace35.06https://workspace.google.com/
Amazon Web Services31.78https://aws.amazon.com/

Technologies that are most interesting for website using HeadJS, as determined by our AI recommender

TechnologyAI Recommendation Score Website
jQuery Mobile0.2https://jquerymobile.com
AWS Certificate Manager0.16https://aws.amazon.com/certificate-manager/
Smash Balloon Instagram Feed0.15https://smashballoon.com/instagram-feed

Distribution of domains using HeadJS over IAB1 verticals

Introduction to HeadJS

HeadJS is a tiny JavaScript library that allows developers to load scripts and stylesheets asynchronously, improving website performance and reducing page load times. It also helps manage dependencies and execute code only when certain conditions are met, making it a powerful tool for optimizing web applications.

Practical Applications of HeadJS

HeadJS can be used for the following practical applications:

1. Faster website loading times by asynchronously loading scripts.
2. Improved website performance by dynamically loading scripts when needed.
3. Facilitating the use of modern web technologies on older browsers with feature detection and fallbacks.
4. Simplifying the management of multiple scripts and stylesheets by grouping them into modules.
5. Enhancing website security by loading external resources from trusted sources only.

Benefits and Advantages of HeadJS

- HeadJS allows developers to load JavaScript and CSS files asynchronously, resulting in faster page load times and better user experience.
- The technology provides a modular and customizable approach to web development, allowing developers to easily add or remove scripts and stylesheets as needed.
- HeadJS supports conditional loading, which means that certain scripts and stylesheets can be loaded only when specific conditions are met, reducing unnecessary resource usage.
- The technology is lightweight and fast, with a file size of only 3KB and a load time of less than 1 millisecond, making it ideal for mobile and low-bandwidth environments.
- HeadJS supports a wide range of modern browsers, ensuring compatibility with most web environments.
- The tool provides a simple and intuitive API, making it easy for developers to integrate and use in their projects.
- HeadJS is open source and regularly updated, with a large and active community providing support and contributing to its development.

Distribution of domains using HeadJS over IAB2 verticals

Most popular websites using HeadJS

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
books.com.twBusiness and FinanceIndustries5.43
hathitrust.orgFine ArtDigital Arts5.3
liveviewgps.comAutomotiveAuto Technology4.9
printplace.comBusiness and FinanceIndustries4.74
getolympus.comHobbies & InterestsConsumer Electronics4.73
foxit.comTechnology & ComputingComputing4.69
igdb.comVideo GamingVideo Game Genres4.69
pps.netEducationReal Estate Buying and Selling4.58
lizzadromuseum.orgHobbies & InterestsMuseums & Galleries4.57

Less popular websites using HeadJS

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
sierracanyonhighschool.comEducationSpecial Education0
seiautocenter.comAutomotiveAuto Repair0
launch3.netBusiness and FinanceIndustries0

Distribution of domains using HeadJS over 1 million most popular domains

Distribution of domains using HeadJS over domain ages

The average age of websites using HeadJS is 15.7 years.

The average page rank (measure of backlink strength) of websites using HeadJS is 2.58.

5 technologies that are less often used together with HeadJS

Technology% of use together with HeadJSWebsite
Priority Hints0.0513https://wicg.github.io/priority-hints/
Open Web Analytics0.0513http://www.openwebanalytics.com