Unpkg - Web Usage Statistics and Market Share

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Websites using Unpkg

Description of Unpkg: Unpkg is a content delivery network for everything on npm.

Unpkg is used by 1.73% of websites in the CDN category.

Business and Finance is the most popular main category among the websites using Unpkg.

Business is the most popular subcategory among the websites that are using Unpkg.

The technologies that are most often used together with Unpkg are Open Graph, core-js, HSTS, cdnjs, Cloudflare, Google Tag Manager, Facebook Pixel, HTTP/3, jQuery, RSS.

Our AI based recommender engine (trained on 100 million data points) suggests that websites using Unpkg may also be interested in using these other technologies: AOS, Google Optimize, cdnjs, Tippy.js, UIKit, Elfsight, SpotHopper, Optimizely, LottieFiles, Axios.

Top IAB Industry Verticals using Unpkg

Top 10 technologies that are most often used together with Unpkg

Technology% of use together with UnpkgWebsite
Open Graph60.69https://ogp.me
Google Tag Manager29.52http://www.google.com/tagmanager
Facebook Pixel26.1http://facebook.com

Technologies that are most interesting for website using Unpkg, as determined by our AI recommender

TechnologyAI Recommendation Score Website
Google Optimize0.17https://optimize.google.com

Distribution of domains using Unpkg over IAB1 verticals

Introduction to Unpkg

Unpkg is a content delivery network (CDN) that provides developers with a fast and reliable way to serve their npm packages. It allows developers to quickly and easily access any npm package directly from a public CDN, without having to go through the npm registry. This makes it a great tool for building and deploying web applications, as it can help to reduce load times and improve overall performance. Additionally, Unpkg is open source and free to use, making it accessible to developers of all skill levels.

Practical Applications of Unpkg

Unpkg can be used in web development to easily access and include JavaScript and CSS files in a project without having to download and save the files locally. It can also be used to quickly prototype and test code by including external libraries through a CDN. Additionally, Unpkg can be used to share code snippets and libraries with others by providing a link to the hosted file on the CDN.

Benefits and Advantages of Unpkg

- Unpkg provides a fast and reliable way to access frontend packages and libraries.
- It allows developers to easily load packages from a CDN, reducing the need for local package installations.
- Unpkg supports both CommonJS and ES6 module formats, providing flexibility for different projects.
- The service is free and open source, allowing for community contributions and improvements.
- Unpkg has a simple API and documentation, making it easy to integrate into existing projects.
- The service is CDN-backed, providing efficient and scalable delivery of packages to end-users.
- Unpkg supports tree-shaking, allowing for optimal package size and performance.

Distribution of domains using Unpkg over IAB2 verticals

Most popular websites using Unpkg

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
tandfonline.comBusiness and FinanceIndustries6.56
nielsen.comBusiness and FinanceIndustries6.19
thelancet.comMedical HealthDiseases and Conditions6.01
qualtrics.comBusiness and FinanceInternational News6
icrc.orgNews and PoliticsInternational News5.92
gira.comBusiness and FinanceTravel Locations5.77
newstatesman.comNews and PoliticsPolitics5.67
t-mobile.comBusiness and FinanceHome Utilities5.55
careerbuilder.comCareersCareer Advice5.54
unity.comTechnology & ComputingAugmented Reality5.48

Less popular websites using Unpkg

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
adeptude.comBusiness and FinanceIndustries0
aestheticsmarketinginstitute.comBusiness and FinanceBusiness0
appcentricltd.comFine ArtDesign0
sofactia.comBusiness and FinanceIndustries0
justinbelill.comPop CultureChildren's TV0

Distribution of domains using Unpkg over 1 million most popular domains

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Distribution of domains using Unpkg over domain ages

The average age of websites using Unpkg is 12.1 years.

The average page rank (measure of backlink strength) of websites using Unpkg is 2.7.

5 technologies that are less often used together with Unpkg

Technology% of use together with UnpkgWebsite
Jilt App0.0123https://community.shopify.com/c/shopify-apps/jilt-is-over-what-app-to-use-for-abandoned-carts-now/td-p/1575095
EraofEcom MTL0.0123https://eraofecom.org/collections/tech/products/milk-the-leads
F5 BigIP0.0123https://www.f5.com/products/big-ip-services
Human Presence0.0123https://www.humanpresence.io