GetYourGuide - Web Usage Statistics and Market Share

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Websites using GetYourGuide

Description of GetYourGuide: GetYourGuide is a Berlin-based online travel agency and online marketplace for tour guides and excursions.

GetYourGuide is used by 3.4% of websites in the Appointment scheduling category.

Travel is the most popular main category among the websites using GetYourGuide.

Travel Type is the most popular subcategory among the websites that are using GetYourGuide.

The technologies that are most often used together with GetYourGuide are Open Graph, RSS, Google Tag Manager, core-js, Module Federation, webpack, HTTP/3, web-vitals, Google Font API, Facebook.

Our AI based recommender engine (trained on 100 million data points) suggests that websites using GetYourGuide may also be interested in using these other technologies: Mediavine, ConvertKit, Issuu, scrollreveal, comScore, Knockout.js, Pinterest, UserWay, Thrive Ultimatum, MailChimp for WordPress.

Top IAB Industry Verticals using GetYourGuide

Top 10 technologies that are most often used together with GetYourGuide

Technology% of use together with GetYourGuideWebsite
Open Graph69.6
Google Tag Manager44.8
Module Federation38.4
Google Font API25.6

Technologies that are most interesting for website using GetYourGuide, as determined by our AI recommender

TechnologyAI Recommendation Score Website
Thrive Ultimatum0.17
MailChimp for WordPress0.17

Distribution of domains using GetYourGuide over IAB1 verticals

Introduction to GetYourGuide

GetYourGuide is an online platform that provides travelers with access to booking options for tours, activities, and attractions in various destinations around the world. The platform offers a wide range of options for different types of travelers, including solo adventurers, families, and groups. GetYourGuide partners with local tour operators and activity providers to offer experiences that allow travelers to explore destinations in unique and exciting ways. The platform also provides users with detailed information about the experiences available, including user reviews, photos, and pricing information. Travelers can book their chosen experiences directly through the site, making it easy to plan and organize their travel itinerary.

Practical Applications of GetYourGuide

1. Travel planning - GetYourGuide provides a platform for travelers to book tours, activities, and experiences in various destinations, making travel planning easier and more convenient.

2. Destination recommendations - GetYourGuide offers recommendations for popular destinations and activities based on user preferences and reviews, helping travelers find the best options for their trip.

3. Local insights - GetYourGuide's platform allows local tour guides to create and offer their own tours, providing travelers with unique insights and perspectives on a destination.

4. Group bookings - GetYourGuide offers group booking options for large parties or corporate events, making it easy to organize and book activities for groups.

5. Revenue generation - GetYourGuide offers a revenue-sharing program for tour operators and local guides, providing them with an additional source of income.

6. Customer engagement - GetYourGuide's platform allows for customer feedback and reviews, helping operators improve their offerings and engage with customers.

7. Marketing - GetYourGuide can be used as a marketing tool for tour operators and local guides, as the platform provides exposure to a large audience of travelers.

8. Mobile access - GetYourGuide's mobile app allows travelers to book activities on-the-go, making it a convenient tool for spontaneous travel planning.

9. Customer loyalty - GetYourGuide's loyalty program, GetYourGuide Rewards, rewards customers for booking activities on the platform, encouraging repeat bookings and customer loyalty.

10. Seamless integration - GetYourGuide's platform can be easily integrated into other travel websites and platforms, providing a seamless experience for travelers.

Benefits and Advantages of GetYourGuide

- Enables users to book activities and tours in various destinations around the world
- Offers a wide selection of activities and tours to choose from
- Provides user reviews and ratings for each activity/tour to help users make informed decisions
- Allows users to compare prices and availability for different activities/tours
- Offers a mobile app for on-the-go booking and access to tickets
- Provides instant confirmation and e-tickets for booked activities/tours
- Offers customer support and assistance for any issues or questions
- Saves time and hassle of researching and booking activities/tours individually with multiple vendors

Distribution of domains using GetYourGuide over IAB2 verticals

Most popular websites using GetYourGuide

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
prague-life.comEvents and AttractionsCzech4.35
theweekendguide.comTravelTravel Type4.32
therealjapan.comTravelTravel Books4.28
aladyinlondon.comTravelTravel Locations4.27
littlefamilyadventure.comTravelTravel Type4.27
myfiveacres.comTravelTravel Type4.27
historyfangirl.comTravelTravel Locations4.24
hitraveltales.comTravelTravel Type4.24

Less popular websites using GetYourGuide

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
traveltoursplus.comTravelTravel Type0
mycartetravel.comTravelTravel Type0
solplaya.netTravelTravel Type0.44
mykiids.comTravelTravel Type0.95

Distribution of domains using GetYourGuide over 1 million most popular domains

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Distribution of domains using GetYourGuide over domain ages

The average age of websites using GetYourGuide is 7.4 years.

The average page rank (measure of backlink strength) of websites using GetYourGuide is 3.13.

5 technologies that are less often used together with GetYourGuide

Technology% of use together with GetYourGuideWebsite
Hello Elementor0.8
LyraThemes Kale0.8