Facil-iti - Web Usage Statistics and Market Share

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Websites using Facil-iti

Description of Facil-iti: Facil-iti is a web accessibility overlay which provides support for some people with disabilities and seniors.

Facil-iti is used by 0.01% of websites in the Accessibility category.

Business and Finance is the most popular main category among the websites using Facil-iti.

Designer Clothing is the most popular subcategory among the websites that are using Facil-iti.

The technologies that are most often used together with Facil-iti are Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, jQuery, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Handlebars, GSAP, OneTrust, Underscore.js, Salesforce Service Cloud, Lodash.

Our AI based recommender engine (trained on 100 million data points) suggests that websites using Facil-iti may also be interested in using these other technologies: Salesforce, Salesforce Service Cloud, Dovetale, Freshchat, Platform.sh, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Cookiebot, Lucky Orange, Chatra, jQuery Mobile.

Top IAB Industry Verticals using Facil-iti

Top 10 technologies that are most often used together with Facil-iti

Technology% of use together with Facil-itiWebsite
Google Analytics100http://google.com/analytics
Google Tag Manager100http://www.google.com/tagmanager
Salesforce Commerce Cloud50http://demandware.com
Salesforce Service Cloud50https://www.salesforce.com/au/products/service-cloud/

Technologies that are most interesting for website using Facil-iti, as determined by our AI recommender

TechnologyAI Recommendation Score Website
Salesforce Service Cloud0.04https://www.salesforce.com/au/products/service-cloud/
Salesforce Commerce Cloud0.03http://demandware.com
Lucky Orange0.03https://www.luckyorange.com
jQuery Mobile0.03https://jquerymobile.com

Distribution of domains using Facil-iti over IAB1 verticals

Introduction to Facil-iti

Facil-iti is a digital accessibility solution that helps people with disabilities navigate and use websites more easily. It uses advanced algorithms to analyze web content and adapt it to the specific needs of users with disabilities, such as visual impairments, motor disabilities, and cognitive impairments. Facil-iti can be installed on any website and provides a customizable interface that lets users adjust the font size, contrast, and other aspects of the site's design to suit their needs. The technology enables businesses to meet accessibility compliance regulations and improve the overall user experience for all customers.

Practical Applications of Facil-iti

Facil-iti can be used in various practical applications such as:

1. Website Accessibility: Facil-iti can help websites become more accessible to people with disabilities such as visual impairment, motor disabilities, cognitive impairments, and more.

2. Retail and Hospitality: Facil-iti can help businesses in the retail and hospitality sectors provide a better experience for customers with disabilities, making it easier for them to navigate stores and restaurants.

3. Public Sector: Facil-iti can help make public buildings and spaces more accessible to people with disabilities, ensuring that everyone can access important services and facilities.

4. Education: Facil-iti can help schools and universities make their websites and learning platforms more accessible to students with disabilities, providing equal access to education.

5. Transportation: Facil-iti can help transportation providers such as airports and train stations make their facilities more accessible to people with disabilities, ensuring that everyone can travel safely and comfortably.

6. Healthcare: Facil-iti can help healthcare providers make their websites and online portals more accessible to patients with disabilities, improving their access to important medical services and information.

Benefits and Advantages of Facil-iti

- Facil-iti provides a more inclusive online experience for people with disabilities.
- It allows users to customize their online experience according to their accessibility needs.
- The technology enables businesses to comply with accessibility regulations and improve their reputation.
- Facil-iti helps organizations expand their customer base by providing a more accessible website.
- The technology enhances user experience and satisfaction by removing accessibility barriers.
- It enables businesses to provide equal access to information and services for all users.
- Facil-iti saves time and resources by automatically applying accessibility features to a website.
- It helps organizations stay up-to-date with accessibility standards and guidelines.
- The technology supports social responsibility and promotes diversity and inclusion in the online world.

Distribution of domains using Facil-iti over IAB2 verticals

Most popular websites using Facil-iti

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
datawords.comBusiness and FinanceEconomy3.96
kenzo-maison.comStyle & FashionDesigner Clothing2.34

Less popular websites using Facil-iti

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
kenzo-maison.comStyle & FashionDesigner Clothing2.34
datawords.comBusiness and FinanceEconomy3.96

Distribution of domains using Facil-iti over 1 million most popular domains

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Distribution of domains using Facil-iti over domain ages

The average age of websites using Facil-iti is 17.4 years.

The average page rank (measure of backlink strength) of websites using Facil-iti is 3.38.

5 technologies that are less often used together with Facil-iti

Technology% of use together with Facil-itiWebsite
jQuery Migrate50https://github.com/jquery/jquery-migrate
Salesforce Commerce Cloud50http://demandware.com